Friday, April 9, 2010


Friday's Training - Am: 70 mins easy Pm: 55 mins easy

Mileage - 18 Miles

I took today as a very easy so that I could recover well from yesterday's workouts. I felt pretty tired in the morning when I met up with the guys so I was more than happy just to plod along for 10 miles. When I finished, Greg gave me the bottles I would be using for the marathon (they're lab bottles that have squirt straws coming out the top) and some calf sleeves from SLS3 (they had sent a bunch to the team to test out). Once I got home I spent most of my time doing washing and organising stuff before I would pack it all up for the trip back home. There was so much stuff I had to put in as I dont have any of my recovery tools in the uk. The Massage stick, tennis balls and stretch rope didn't take up much space but my foam roller certainly did. Once everything was clean and dry I packed up my bag with the intention of repacking it all on Sunday before I left Phoenix. I had a 30 min nap and then answered an email interview for Athletics Weekly. After finishing off my coffee I cut my hair down really short so that it would still be fairly short come marathon day. This meant that I had to clean up the bathroom afterwards but I can never seem to get rid of all the hair that gets everywhere. I headed out for my second run on the trail and I was glad that it was nice and warm outside. It was still windy but the temperature made the run pleasant. After getting back, I quickly showered and headed over to Julie's work to pick her up as we were heading straight down to Phoenix from there. We picked up a buffalo chicken pizza on the way and made it down the mountain safe and sound.

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