Monday, March 22, 2010

And another thing

I forgot to mention that if anyone has any questions for me about training or anything really, feel free to email me at or post a comment on the blog and I will do my best to answer them


  1. Hi Andrew - just wanted to say that I ma really enjoying following your blog. Makes us weekend warriors realise that we don't really know what fatigue is. I posted a comment a while back about gels and drinks but don't know if you saw it. Anyway - wishing you good luck and health.


  2. Thanks for the advice. That is how I was taking the gels with taping to the bottle but I just find it hard to, first of all play around with getting the gel off the bottle and ripping it open as my hands tend to get really cold and stiff, and then secondly getting the gel down when i'm puffing and panting really hard! I had a bit of a mishap the last time I tried it so I may just squeeze the gel into a bottle and add water so I can just take it down as a drink.

    Hope your training is going well.

