Friday, March 12, 2010


Friday's Training - Am: 89 mins on Alter G Pm: 60 mins on Alter G
Mileage - 23 miles

This is going to be the view from the front of our house

Today was a good day! I woke up with no pain in my achilles and it was bright sunshine out side so all the snow is melting away. Our cable has been acting up for the past few days so I scheduled an appointment with a maintenance guy to come out between 8 and 10am. This meant that I would have plenty of time to stretch and roll out my calves before doing my first run on the Alter G but it meant that I didn't have that much time between runs as Julie and I are heading down to Phoenix again this weekend. The cable guy never showed up so I drove out to Greg's house and got onto the Alter G for 14 miles. I started at 90% body weight at 6.15 pace and slowly increased the weight through out the run so the last few miles were 100% body weight. I was doing this run by heart rate as I wanted to keep it nice and easy as I have a hard tempo tomorrow. I kept the HR between 110 and 120 but for some reason my quads felt very heavy. I don't know if they were just tired from the aqua jogging yesterday but I didn't think they would be as I only did an hours work. For some reason running on the Alter G is not as mind numbing as it is on a normal treadmill for me. Its maybe because I can have the music blasting beside but it seems to go by quicker than it does in the gym. I put on an audiobook, Scott Sigler's Infected, that I had just downloaded and got through the first 9 chapters of that while I ran. I headed home after this and after a failed attempt at an nap I headed down town to get the new plans of our house as they had just been redrafted.

My 2nd run was at 3.30pm on the Alter G and it passed by without much concern. I did feel my achilles a little more this evening and again my quads felt very heavy. I quickly got back home so I could stretch and shower before picking up Julie from work and head down the mountain to Phoenix. I managed to get an appointment with Dr John Ball, a miracle worker from what I can gather from all the testimonies that everyone on the team has given about him. I'm looking forward to that so we can maybe figure out the root of the problem and fix it.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and good luck if your racing somewhere!

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