Tuesday’s Training – Am: 70 mins easy Pm: 45 mins slow
Mileage - 16 Miles
Tuesday’s Training – Am: 70 mins easy Pm: 45 mins slow
Mileage - 16 Miles
Monday’s Training – Am: 97 mins easy Pm: 58 mins easy progressive to steady
I managed to get a little comfort about my performance at the weekend as I looked over Charlie Spedding's training on his run up to the Olympic marathon. I remembered that he had used races to get sharp and I wanted to compare my 10km to his performances to see how he was competing during his marathon build up. It turns out that he was running similar times but with less mileage during the week (he did his mileage quicker than I did). That made me feel a little better about not running a good time and I also talked to Trina Painter (one of out assistant coaches and former USA 20km record holder) and she said that before her best marathon, she had run slowly in a 10km. I wasn't the least bit worried about how slow I ran (because I felt so strong) but it was just comforting to know that others have had similar performances before good marathons.
Saturday’s Training – Am: Monument Avenue 10km. 3rd, 29.16. Pm: 69 mins easy
Friday’s Training – Am: 50 mins easy Pm: 35 mins easy
Thursday’s Training – Am: 80 mins easy
Wednesday’s Training – Am: Short Track Workout @ Sedona (4,500ft). 3200m, 5 mins rec, 2*800m, 4 mins rec, 2*200m, 200m jog rec. Pm: 49 mins easy
Tuesday’s Training – Am: 90 mins easy Pm: 51 mins slow
I just developed a bout of achilles soreness and stiffness and wondered what you did to treat your achilles problems? Henry
Monday's Training - Am: 90 mins with 12*1 min hard/2 mins easy Pm: 64 mins easy
Mileage - 24 Miles
I was unsure what to do this morning as I thought I would be training on my own. I had a fartlek to do but I thought Brett was still going to be down in Phoenix so I was going to drive down to Sedona and do the workout there on the track and then get into the creek afterwards. I decided to stay in town and just drive over to Trina’s loop to see who would be about. As I was driving there I saw Brett jogging down the road so I beeped the horn, pulled into Late For The Train, tied my shoes and joined him on his warm up. He was doing the same workout so I was glad of that. He had jogged down from his house so he was just finishing up his warm up so I only really got 13 mins of running in before I jumped back into the car and drove it to the start of the loop and put my flats on. I felt fine although my achilles was a little creaky to start with but it soon warmed up and I didn’t feel it again after the first 2 reps. The workout wasn’t supposed to be a difficult one and it felt pretty good just to be striding out. We covered about 6.5 miles during the fartlek so once we were finished I changed back into my trainers and ran with Brett back up to his house. I continued on for another 30 mins as I was to run for 90 mins total. I got back, did some drill and enjoyed doing my stretching on the dry grass outside of Trina’s house.
I got back home and Julie cooked up a great meal of marinated turkey, polenta (with fontina cheese added) and some asparagus. It was delicious and just what I needed after a long day’s training.
Sunday’s Training – Am: 61 mins easy Pm: 79 mins easy
Mileage – 21 Miles
Week's Mileage - 145 Miles
I had another easy day on the cards today and the weather was fantastic so it was very enjoyable running around the town. The trails haven’t cleared yet and the ones that have are still pretty wet and muddy so I’m still doing everything on the road. I headed out to the east side of town for the morning, which I don’t often do but it was good to get a little change of scenery. As long as you stay north of Linda Vista Rd there really isn’t much traffic so it was nice to have the run of the road and look at all the really nice houses. I ended up doing my shorter run in the morning as I woke up thinking it was 7.15 and it was actually 7.45 so I was running a little late getting out the door. This meant I could only get an hour in otherwise Julie and I would be late for church (which we still were!).
We went straight from church over to the realtors to meet Julie’s parents who had driven up from Phoenix to check out some houses. We spent a few hours looking at some places and they liked one very close to where we will be living so I think they were going to go ahead and put an offer in on it. We headed over to Pita Jungle for some lunch and after filling up and saying our goodbyes, Julie and I headed over to Home Depot to pick out our fans and lights that we will have in the house.
The weather was still great at 6.15pm when I headed out for the second run so again I was looking forward to the run. I actually headed straight down the hill and into town just so I could get my legs moving quickly right away and it seemed to work. After about 30 minutes, the sun started to drop down and it suddenly got dark and cold (Flagstaff is a low light city because of the observatory). Luckily I was close to Trina Painter’s house (our assistant coach) so I stopped by and borrowed a pair of gloves from her so I wouldn’t totally freeze on the remainder of the run. The cold actually made me speed up as I just wanted to get back to the house and be warm. It was great to get back and feast into the leftovers we had from lunch – Mediterranean chicken salad and Fatoosh. Before I headed to bed I checked what the weather would be tomorrow and I was very pleased that it was going to be nice again with minimal wind in the morning.
Thursday’s Training – Am: 84 mins easy Pm: 39 mins easy
Mileage – 18 miles
I was taking today very easy to see if I could start feeling a little fresher than I have in the last few days. The morning run was a slow plod around the town and it was just a time to switch off. It went by fairly quickly and the weather was lovely so that made it enjoyable. I spent the most of the day doing an online driving school (4 hours straight) only to find out that I couldn’t take the test at the end because the school didn’t get my citation (I got a speeding ticket a month ago and taking the class will get it off your record). This was really annoying as all the information was fresh in my head and I just wanted to get it out of the way. After trying a few methods of trying to get the citation to them I realized that I was running a little late so had to quickly put my shoes on get a short 6 miles in. I felt pretty good for this run but it was pretty windy so I’m hoping its not going to be getting any worse up here (the wind gets really strong in the spring). I finished the run and had no time to do drills or stretches as I had to get to work in 25 mins so I showered changed and drove straight there. It turns out there was no rush as the restaurant was empty but this gave me a little time to work on my toe stretches to try and break up the scar tissue underneath it. It actually turned out to be a good night at work although it meant getting home at 10.45pm.
Work and Training
Wednesday’s Training – Am: ASU Track – 2 miles, 3 mins rec, 1 mile, 3 mins rec, 2*800m, 90 secs rec, 4*200m, 200m rec Pm: 57 mins easy
Mileage – 20 miles
Tuesday’s Training – Am: 73 mins easy Pm: 43 mins easy
Mileage – 16 miles
I headed back to the house with the hopes of a message from the car garage telling me my car was ready to pick but to no avail. I again, iced, had breakfast and past out while watching Cold Case. I was told the car would be ready around 3pm but was hoping for an earlier time so I could get on the road back down to Phoenix and hopefully miss rush hour as the journey takes an extra hour if I hit it. The phone call came and the car was going to be ready in half an hour so I drove over to Julie’s work and dropped off her car keys, said goodbye to her and headed off for an easy 6 mile run over to the car garage. I felt so much better this evening and I didn’t feel my achilles at all. I think really taking the time to do everything to help it as well as the eccentric calf stretches is helping a lot and hopefully I wont be able to feel it all soon. It was lovely and sunny outside but everywhere was wet as the snow is melting like crazy. I picked up my car, which looked great (it even had the ground effects that I have on the car which I didn’t think they replace for me. I was just expecting the standard issue bumpers back) and headed back to the house to shower and get on the road down to Phoenix. The problem with driving to Phoenix is rush hour. I didn’t want to hit this so I took my time changing and getting everything ready and headed out to the highway. I stopped by Quiznos to grab a big sandwich for dinner. By the time I got down there I was knackered so I watched TV with Julie’s parents until 9pm and then headed to bed as I needed to get up early to try and beat the Phoenix heat.