Friday, May 14, 2010


Boy does it feel good to run hard again! Yesterday I did a fartlek and it felt like I was flying. I was up at Buffalo Park with Nick and Andrew (fresh off of their 3rd and 1st places at the USA 25km champs) and it wasn't really windy so it was a good day for the workout. My legs were moving quicker than I thought they could right now so that will hopefully set me up for some more good workouts. The only time it started to feel hard was when I had to run the hill at the end of the loop. This always kills no matter what speed you run and it continued to hurt for the remaining hard efforts. I was going to go by the gym and do a circuit session but decided to go home and nap as I was pretty tired.

The evening run was pretty hard to do as I was feeling sluggish and very unmotivated. I drove to the gym so that I would have to get on with some sort of exercise. I ended up running on the treadmill as it had just started to rain when I got there. A brisk 5 miles later, I decided to jump into the Ultimate Conditioning class that was about to start and this was a pretty good idea. It was tough but not so tough that I was going to be too sore the next day. I think this was wise as it was my first circuit back.

When I woke up this morning I took some tests from one of the teams new sponsor's, Bioletics, that will tell me all about my Vitamin D, Mineral Balance, Strength and Hormone recovery, Iron/Ferritin, Essential Amino Acid and Essential Fatty Acid levels. Once we find out the results of the tests, we can work with the company to see what dietary and supplement changes need to be made so that we can perform optimally.

This mornings run was amusing as Andrew and I decided to take a new route back from the trails and got completely disorientated. We finally came to a stretch of road and Andrew made a joke about it being Lake Mary Rd. Not much of a joke as it was Lake Mary Rd which meant another 2 miles back to the car. At least we now know which trail not to take anymore. It was good to see some new areas though.

Most of the daytime was spent trying to organize our mortgage details. There was so much back and forth involved and we decided to wait until after the weekend to lock in a rate. I went by the house and the dry wall was being put up so we can get a real sense of the space now.

I took the evening run off as I will easily 100 miles this week without it and thought it would be wiser to be more precautious at this point in my training.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's long run. We're heading up 222 which means there will be a lot of uphill for the first half followed by a lot of downhill so hopefully I can get my legs rolling a bit.

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