Sunday, October 3, 2010

The wedding yesterday was great. Mike and Erica had a flawless wedding and Julie was doing a great Maid of Honor job and keeping everyone and everything in check. The food was really good with the halibut and salmon being sent down from Alaska where Erica's brother and uncle had caught it all. I was feeling pretty tired during the reception and i'm not a great mingler so I stuck as close to Julie as possible she is an expert at these things. After everything at the hotel was finished, everyone piled into the limo and headed down town to the 21C bar again. I drove the car there so we had some way of getting people back to the house. We ended up leaving about 2am so I could get some sleep and for the third night in a row, passed out immediately.

I woke up at 8am so I could get an hours run in before heading to church. I literally woke up, had a glass of water and a bit of muffin, and then headed out the door. I was running very slowly (which I always like to do on a Sunday) but it seemed slower than usual. I managed to find some rough trails to plod along on and pass the minutes. I managed to run 7 miles in 56 minutes and was happy that I had managed to run nice and slow (I sometimes find this hard at sea level). I quickly had a shower and headed out to the church but we passed another one that had mass at eleven so we headed right to the wedding brunch and chowed down on a major amount of food. The food was so good and I filled myself up tot he point of only being able to have one slice of cheesecake afterwards (that is not like me!). We let everyone to go to mass and then I headed back to the house afterwards to have a nap while Julie helped Erica with odds and ends that needed to be done. I passed out hard again and woke up nice and refreshed after 90 minutes.

Everyone just arrived back at the house so I will go and get my next run done while the bride and groom open their presents and Julie packs up her stuff. One last really hilly run for me! I'm looking forward to getting back to Flagstaff as Carlson and I will start doing our marathon training together tomorrow. I think its 24*200m so that should be fun (one of my favourite workouts). We get back late tonight as we arrive at 8.30pm and then have to drive up the mountain to Flagstaff. I plan to catch up on a lot of sleep over the next week.

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